Upcoming Dates and Times 2024:

Saturday April 6 from 2pm - 3pm EST

Saturday May 11 from 2pm - 3pm EST

Saturday June 8 from 2pm - 3pm EST

Wednesday July 17 from 4pm - 5pm EST

Wednesday August 21 from 2pm - 3pm ES

Monthly Online Trauma Informed Skills Building Mentorship

In response to the many inquiries I get about trauma informed work and space holding, I now offer monthly Mentorship Sessions.  These sessions are an opportunity to ask questions, discuss challenges you are facing within your professional or personal life, and seek suggestions and methods to assist you in your trauma informed journey.

These small group sessions are a place for individuals to bring specific questions and situations forward in order to find trauma informed solutions and tools to bring to their clients, staff, or professional work environments.

Monthly Drop In Sessions

60 minutes online

These sessions are:

  • for people interested in integrating more trauma informed perspectives and tools into their professional lives

  • for people who might be seeking personal self-care or wellness suggestions (note this is not a private session consultation for somatic work, more a place to ask about resources or gain insight into finding a better balance between your personal needs and professional expectations, to schedule a private session consult with me click HERE)

  • for yoga/dance/movement facilitators, educators, business owners and professionals, humanitarian professionals, wellness professionals and bodyworks, clinicians and healthcare professionals, first responders, coaches, and leaders.

  • limited in the number of participants (first come first serve, waitlist available)

  • a place to bring me specific questions, situations, and topics (including your personal wellbeing) for insight and assistance

  • an opportunity to reflect on accountability and how you are showing up and handling a challenge

  • a chance to learn and listen from the community, your colleagues, and others shared experiences in the field

  • safe and confidential with no recordings


Sliding Scale: Tier 1 - $55 USD, Tier 2 - $45 USD, Tier 3 - $35 USD

If you have any questions or are not sure if joining a session will be supportive for you, please feel free to contact me at healingmotionkw@gmail.com

I look forward to being of service and sharing wisdom around trauma informed work with you.  Thank you ever so much