Resiliency, Awareness, Growth, Clarity and Your SELF

Our Past Retreat Experiences and Why We Love Working Together

Katrin, Tiago and myself have been collaborating on both virtual and in person retreats since the beginning of 2020. And honestly, I don’t even remember how we met during the pandemic in Portugal. So funny how that detail escapes me at the moment. But I do remember there being an instant connection and likemindedness immediately, even thought we did not meet in person until later that year when places began to open back up.

Our first “retreat” together was Awakening Resiliency, which we offered completely online (and it is still available On Demand HERE). I remember really diving into what it meant to nurture resiliency during this time and how much gratitude I felt that I was working alongside both Katrin and Tiago to offer this online retreat centered around this topic.  

Since then we have offered spin offs on the theme of Awakening to include Awakening Awareness in later 2020 (also available On Demand HERE), and live retreats at Casa do Limoeiro entitled Awakening Growth in 2021 and Awakening Clarity in 2022.  

And these have brought us to our fifth retreat together, Awakening Your SELF. The progression of themes around Awakening led us here, I think instinctually, to the SELF. We are so thrilled to not only be offering you this retreat in gorgeous Portugal, but we are all so excited to be able to continue to offer these topics and times of reflection together.  

The video below explains why we love working with each other, and why we continue to do it over and over again. We each have our own unique reasons. But for me it comes down to the fact that there is a diversity of practice between us that enriches my own learning and growth in working alongside people. Besides the fact that I feel a deep mutual respect between us in everything we collaborate on that presents itself as support, openness, exploration of topics and techniques, and genuine friendship beyond work. Plus it’s fun!!!  I genuinely hope you will join us this year!


In the age of multitasking, full immersion can feel like a luxury.


What does Awakening Your SELF really mean?